Choosing between my fear and my dream: What do I mean when I say "be fearless"?

Choosing between my fear and my dream: What do I mean when I say "be fearless"?

I had to CHOOSE to be fearless. I had to CHOOSE my dreams over my fear. I had to see that fear, acknowledge it, and then set it aside and do it anyway. I had to fail, and I absolutely did, then pick myself up, figure out what went wrong, and then try again and again and again until something worked.

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Become Your Best Self! Success through Failure.

Become Your Best Self! Success through Failure.

If you're not failing sometimes then you're not challenging yourself to become the very best you are capable of.  Whether it is starting the business you have always dreamed of or meeting the love of your life, failure will be part of the process of succeeding. Learning to look at failure as the learning opportunity that it is rather than as a reason to quit is the difference between people who succeed and those who don't.

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A New You Doesn't Have to Wait For a New Year!

A New You Doesn't Have to Wait For a New Year!

Every year people around the world gear up for the new year by imaging what they want to do differently, how they want to improve themselves or their situation. Ever year most of those people will start off with good intentions but fail to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Here is what you can do to make those goals a reality in the New Year!

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You feel like you are failing… but you’re not. Here’s why…

You feel like you are failing… but you’re not. Here’s why…

We feel like we aren’t doing enough, or being enough. We feel guilty when we take time for ourselves. We are often exhausted, stressed out, and at the end of our rope. I think we all feel like that sometimes. So here is what I have learned….you might feel like you are failing, but you're not.

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