Dating Coach Round Rock
Unlock your dating life with dating coach Angela Hayes, owner of Life Coach Round Rock.
Is Dating Coaching for Me?
Professional dating coaches provide advice and encouragement to guide your success in selecting and going on dates -- and in establishing and maintaining a romantic relationship. Seeking and developing intimate relationships can be challenging, awkward and stressful; and many people can use some help. An experienced dating coach will help you understand who you are, what you’re looking for, and how to develop an actionable plan for finding the love of your life.
Many Austin-area singles go about this process haphazardly – imagining they’ll “just know” when they encounter the right person, or perceive a magical “chemistry” indicating that their partner is a good match. They are disappointed and frustrated by the roller coaster of experiences with parties, singles bars, online dating sites, and apps. Few people have really thought through what they want in a romantic relationship, or the qualities of the person they would like to be their life partner. So it’s not surprising they’re not happy with the people they date, and their relationships don’t work out.
That’s where your dating coach comes in. Using a proven methodology, the coach works with you to discover your goals and evaluate your relationships history -- and develop an action plan for finding a compatible and loving partner. Just like sports coaches, dating coaches bring years of training and experience, a new perspective and lots of encouragement to guide you along this new path.
How Dating Coaches Help
A dating coach is not a matchmaker, makeover specialist, or dating service. Our job is to help you figure out what kind of partner or spouse would be best for you. Then we help you develop a strategy to find and successfully interact with people who fit that description. And once you’ve chosen the love of your life, we can help you through the difficulties that every loving couple encounters from time to time.
Coach Angela Hayes has devised a unique method for change management and date coaching based on four behavioral areas -- Priority, Action, Time and Hope (P.A.T.H.) One of these four aspects is often the primary cause of dating-related issues and relationship problems. Her assessment of these P.A.T.H components is key to developing an individualized strategy and specific dating tips. Improving your perception, approach and behavior in these situations is a key life skill; and that’s where your dating coach provides the most value.
Your coach is on your side -- but is not directly involved in your relationships and can provide candid, objective advice. Typically there are aspects of your romantic life you might not be comfortable sharing with a family member, religious counselor or even a close friend. Dating coaches are professional independent advisors, trained to assist you in identifying and overcoming the challenges in your date-related activities and relationships. You can comfortably discuss virtually any aspect of your feelings and experiences with them -- in confidence. Schedule a free consultation with Coach Angela Hayes
Professional Dating Coach – Austin – Round Rock – Cedar Park
Proven Date Coaching Methodology
It’s difficult to effectively assess your own personal and romantic situations, issues and options. We are emotionally involved in these complicated relationships every day, and it’s hard to think rationally, consider alternatives and decide how to do what’s best for us. We have put up barriers that deter us from analyzing our situations and thinking about what our true goals are – and finding a way get there.
Whether you’re struggling with online dating, having a problem with a new girlfriend or boyfriend, or challenges in your marriage or long-term relationship, your dating coach will guide you to identify and pursue a solution. Our professional training and experience working with clients in similar situations enables us to help you make a positive change in your life. Through a series of structured conversations, we will guide you through these steps:
- Situational Analysis
- Goal Setting
- Options and Resources Review
- Action Plan Development
- Commitment and Self-Motivation
- Guidance and Encouragement
As you work through this process to analyze your goals and devise a new strategy, you’ll gain the ability to perform these useful life skills on your own.
Don’t let bad dates and sour relationships get you down – There’s a Better Way!
Text to learn more about how dating coaching can help you. (512) 843-2656
Angela Hayes - Dating Coach - Round Rock TX
Serving Austin - Georgetown - Pflugerville - Cedar Park